
Hi! My name is Joshaven Potter and I am a wireless network engineer, software developer and consultant.
I’ve had many successes in my career, and I enjoy sharing my experiences and knowledge with the WISP and IT community.
Some of my professional accomplishments include:
- Avid community contributitor through forums & Message Boards.
- Well over a decade of ISP experience including dialup, wired, & wireless broadband services.
- Designed and successfully implemented the first Wireless ISP in Hillsdale County.
- Consulted for many wireless broadband companies including domestic and foreign.
- Well versed in the configuration, management & design of IP communication systems including detailed understanding of supporting services & protocols like BGP, OSPF, QoS, Wi-Fi, TDMA, TDD, FDD, DNS, RADIUS, PPPoE, Hotspot Services, eMail, and RF Theory.
- Over a decade experience building and administrating server environments including Microsoft as well as POSIX systems such as Redhat, CentOS, Debian & Ubuntu among others.
- Well versed in multiple web architectural environents including MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, & Ruby.
- Author and contributor of multiple web application frameworks.
- Developed and launched numerous business software intragrations and web based applications.
- Authored the world's fastest JavaScript string scoring algorithm.
If you are a mobile carrier, fixed broadband network operator, municipality, or entrepreneur seeking a support relationship for your fixed wireless broadband network please check out my business site WISP Live.
Free Tools & Resources
Freely given because I have freely received.
Joshaven PotterVisp.net | CPO & Director of Information Technology
WISP.live | Founder and Senior WISP Success Architect
+1 517.607.9370 (iMessage or WhatsApp)
[email protected]
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Consulting Services $175/hr